Please choose one below
Buying Amount in USD
Amount to pay in (NGN)
₦52.00 Stamp duty charge AppliedWhat currency will you pay ? *
Choose how you will pay *
Please note that you can modify this order while its still pending and waiting to be processed.
Click on the "Paid" button after the transfer.
Selling Amount in USD
Amount you will recieve in (NGN)
Which currency do you want to recieve ?
Select your Bank *
Your Bank Account Name *
Your Bank Account Number *
Your Bank Account Type *
NOTE: IF the naira to USD price of the coin you sent changes before your coin receive 1 confirmation, we will pay you the current NGN/USD rate of your coin as of the time it receive 1 confirmation.
Please note that you can modify this order while its still pending and waiting to be processed.
Click on the "Paid" button after the transfer.